Agenda: Italy City Council Meeting – Monday, March 12, 2012
Agenda: Italy City Council 3/12/13 – page 1
The Italy City Council will have their regular monthly meeting today, Monday, March 12, 2012 in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building (105 West Main Street, Italy). Meeting time is 6:30. The agenda slates six Regular Session agenda items and one Closed Session agenda item. The meeting is open to the public.
Regular Session Agenda Items:
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding DCI Sanitation addressing the Council.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding Mike McKenna with the Ellis County R.A.C.E.S. organization requesting permission to install a repeater on Italy Water Tower.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s )regarding awarding the Water Meter Replacement Contract to the successful bidder.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding the approval of Ordinance No. 12-0312-01, an ordinance of the City Council of Italy, Texas, declaring unopposed candidates in the May 12, 2012 General Election, for the purpose of electing three council member at large for terms of two years and for the purpose of canceling the election; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding the approval of Ordinance No. 12-0312-02, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Italy, Texas, establishing new regulations concerning tobacco use on city property; establishing a penalty declaring this ordinance to be a governmental function; providing a repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and providing an effective date.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding the City of Italy request for proposal for grant management services.
Executive Session Agenda Item:
- Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of the Police Chief, and all matters incident and related thereto.