Ellis County & District Attorney Patrick Wilson Announces Campaign
Ellis County & District Attorney Patrick Wilson Announces His Campaign for Election to a Four Year Term
Ellis County & District Attorney Patrick Wilson Announces His Campaign for Election to a Four Year Term
I am proud to serve as the Ellis County & District Attorney, and I would appreciate your vote. I am a fifth generation resident of Ellis County and an experienced prosecutor who is dedicated to the pursuit of justice. I am a graduate of Waxahachie High School, Texas A&M University and the Texas Tech University School of Law. I have proudly represented the State of Texas for more than 14 years, in both Dallas and Ellis counties. In my career I have personally prosecuted the worst kinds of criminals – from drug dealers and child molesters to robbers and murderers. I am a tough and smart prosecutor who does not back down from a challenge.
Prosecuting crimes, however, is only one component of the County & District Attorney’s Office. Among many other roles, my office represents the Texas Department of Protective and Family Services in cases involving the abuse or neglect of children and adults. We pursue protective orders for victims of domestic violence. We collect restitution for individuals and merchants who receive hot checks, collecting more than $242,000 in 2011. Ellis County, as a legal entity, employs more than 500 people.
As with any large enterprise, legal difficulties arise. We protect the collective interests of taxpayers in all civil matters involving Ellis County. For instance, we litigate civil bond forfeiture actions on behalf of the county, collecting over $208,000 for the taxpayers in 2011.
The Ellis County & District Attorney’s Office is, in practical effect, the largest law firm in the county, with 35 employees. The breadth of our practice area is unrivaled by private firms of comparable size. It takes more than an attorney to manage my office. It takes an experienced leader. I am that leader.
In 2010, more than 10,000 people were killed or seriously injured in alcohol-related crashes on Texas roads. My office has been proactive in combating the problem of driving while intoxicated. In 2011 we coordinated the first “DWI No Refusal” effort in the county’s history. In January 2012 my office hosted a free DWI investigation training seminar attended by more than 130 police and prosecutors from the region.
I have increased transparency in the pursuit of justice, creating an open file policy in criminal prosecutions. Through the media and through my personal presentations to civic groups throughout the county I openly communicate with citizens to keep them informed of my office’s activities.
I have strengthened relationships with law enforcement, conducting regular meetings with the county’s chief law enforcement officers. My staff is always available to conduct free training at the request of local police agencies. Local law enforcement officers know they can call on my office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The demands on my office have grown with the county. Despite ever-increasing workloads for my staff (which, in some cases, far exceed recommended guidelines) I have done more with less. My office’s database management system is being upgraded for the first time in almost 20 years. In spite of the significant cost associated with that upgrade I still reduced my office’s non-salary line items by an average of more than 17%. Neither the size of the staff nor their salaries have been increased in four years. Some of the labor crunch has been alleviated by the student internship program I developed. At no cost to the taxpayers, law students work in my office in exchange for the educational and professional opportunities that work affords them.
I am an active member of my church and the Ellis County community, serving on many non-profit boards and committees dedicated to improving the lives of our citizens. In February I received the Leadership Waxahachie award from the Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce. I believe improving our community goes hand-in-hand with my professional obligation to seek justice. I am proud to say that my staff has followed my lead, getting involved with many more non-profit organizations, both individually and collectively – all for the benefit of Ellis County.
Ellis County is my family’s home. Every day I work with pride toward making this a safe place to live, work and raise a family. With your support and your vote I look forward to continuing my work for four more years.