Anna Riddle 4th place with her pastel, ‘Reflection’
Andrea Lanning entered her mosaic, ‘WWJD’
Austin Williams entered his pencil drawings, ’Gruesome Twosome
Blake Brewer: 1st place with his sculpture, ‘Around the World’
Christy Murray: 3rd place with her mixed media, ‘Music’
IHS students on a field trip to view their work.
Gus Allen entered his acrylic painting, ‘Steve’
Gus, Austin, and Joseph study other works of art for ideas for next year.
Halee Turner: 1st place with her sculpture, ‘Coca Cola Lamp’
Heather Maynard: Entered her pastel, ‘A Mother’s Love’
Hunter Ballard-7th Grade: Entered his pastel, ‘Stan’
Jaclynn Lewis: Entered her pastel, ‘Pretty Peacock’
Jared Rodriquez: Entered his pastel, ‘Tigger’
Jessica Wilkins: Entered her pastel, ‘Pretty Kitty’
Joseph Sage: Entered his pastel, ‘Austin the Ostrich’
Katy Connor: Entered her water color, ‘Red Umbrellas’
Lupita Rincon: 2nd place with her sculpture, ‘Armadillo’
Matthew Parra: Entered his pastel, ‘Jungle King’
Vanessa Cantu: Entered her mixed media, ‘Toes in the Sand’