Current NHS members are ready to get this show on the road. (Maddie Pittman)
Members get ready for the show to begin. (Maddie Pittman)
President, Ross Stiles, addresses the audience. (Maddie Pittman)
The new NHS inductees wait for their names to be called. (Maddie Pittman)
Kaitlyn Rossa (senior) lights the “Scholarship” candle. (Maddie Pittman)
Kaitlyn Rossa reads the NHS guidelines regarding “Scholarship.” (Maddie Pittman)
Brandon Souder lights the “Service” candle. (Maddie Pittman)
Brandon Souder (senior) reads the “Service” NHS guidlines. (Maddie Pittman)
Kayltyn Bales lights the “Leadership” candle. (Maddie Pittman)
Kayltyn Bales (senior) reads the NHS “Leadership” pledge. (Maddie Pittman)
Susana Rodriguez lights the “Character” candle. (Maddie Pittman)
Susana Rodriguez (senior) reads the NHS “Character” pledge. (Maddie Pittman)
Destani Anderson (senior) lights the “Citizenship” candle. (Maddie Pittman)
Destani Anderson (senior) reading “Citizenship” guidelines as set by the NHS. (Maddie Pittman)
The new NHS inductees recite the NHS Pledge. (Maddie Pittman )
Zain Byers recieves his ribbon from Alma Suaste (senior) (Maddie Pittman)
Monserrat Figueroa (sophomore) recieves her certificate and ribbon. (Maddie Pittman)
Meagan Hooker (junior) signs the NHS book. (Maddie Pittman)
Taylor Turner (sophomore) signs the NHS book. (Maddie Pittman)
Jesica Wilkins (sophomore) recieves her ribbon and certificate from Megan Richards and Alma Suaste (senior). (Maddie Pittman)
Vice President, Megan Richards (senior) passes her flame down to sister, Alyssa Richards (junior). (Maddie Pittman)
Treasurer, Brandon Souder (Senior) hands his flame on to Cole Hopkins (junior). (Maddie Pittman)
Kaci Bales and ChaCha Richards socialize after the induction ceremony. (Maddie Pittman)
Jaclynn Lewis (freshman) and Bailey Eubank (freshman) serve refreshments. (Maddie Pittman)