Lone Star Cyclists hosts the 27th Annual Tour d’ Italia
The Varners finish with a grin and 1 hour and 20 minutes under their belt. (Anne Sutherland)
Local Lions Club members, Flossie Gowin and Meg Lyons, helped out wherever they could. (Anne Sutherland)
Larry Mayberry and Irvin Green keeps the hunger at bay with breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Anne Sutherland)
Cyclists from all over Texas rode the 27th Annual Tour d’Italia on Saturday. (Anne Sutherland)
Rhea Reedy, Lone Star Cyclists membership chairman, estimated 555 cyclists registered on site, added to the preregistered number of 495. (Anne Sutherland)
Chief Diron Hill talks to co-director, Richard Dodd, about the ride. (Anne Sutherland)
Zach Durham, Ovilla resident, rides every weekend. (Anne Sutherland)
Sam, Zach and Mom Durham are happy riders. (Anne Sutherland)
Italy residents, Kim and Jill Varner, ride the Tour d’Italia for the first time. (Anne Sutherland)
Volunteers like the Ellis County Amateur Radio Club, help with the Tour d’Italia every year. (Anne Sutherland)
Frost rest stop includes cold fruit, water and music from local resident, Carl Cassady. (Anne Sutherland)
Another happy rider at the Frost rest stop. (Anne Sutherland)
Hwy 55 has a rest stop for the weary, hot cyclists. (Anne Sutherland)
Riding in from Hwy 667 and heading for the finish line. (Anne Sutherland)
A sweet bicycle built for two clearly had a successful ride. (Anne Sutherland)
Free snow cones after a long, hot ride. (Anne Sutherland)