City of Italy upgrades to digital meters in a unique venture with RG3 Utilities
RG3 Utility foreman, Charlie Bateman, and fellow crewman, Alfredo Bolado, Jr., prepare to set the sensor that will communicate via satellite on a newly installed Smart Meter. The system will allow Italy City Hall to regulate water flow for billing purposes, as well as, being alerted to potential property leaks within the city grid. (Barry Byers)
A closer look at an installed Smart Meter. (Barry Byers)
The RG3 Utility crew works as a group to complete the installation of a new digital meter. Citizens will need to have manual shutoff valves installed between the meter and their home or business in order to shutoff the water in case of a leak after Italy City Hall business hours. (Barry Byers)
Juan Carlos Gutierrez fills in the gaps surrounding a newly installed sensor controlled Smart Meter which has replaced the old drive-by meter. (Barry Byers)
Installing the new meters also allowed leaky shutoff valves to be replaced which could reduce water usage cost and cutback on wasted water. (Barry Byers)
Efrain Ramirez and Luis E. Caro Delgado work in tandem to install a new sensor driven Smart Meter along Harpold Street. (Barry Byers)
Welcome to the digital age: RG3 Utility foreman, Charlie Bateman, and fellow crewman, Alfredo Bolado, Jr., install a Smart Meter. Replacing all the old drive-by meters within the City of Italy will take about 15 days according to Bateman. (Barry Byers)