IHS Ag Department students hone skills building concession stand and more.
IHS Ag Teacher Blake Godwin oversees the construction of a visitor side concession stand for the football field. (Barry Byers)
Mr. Godwin demonstrates the ease of cutting a wavy line. (Barry Byers)
Senior Edgar Salazar, Mr. Godwin, and senior Zackery Boykin have a chuckle at the Ag Teacher’s expense. (Barry Byers)
Zack and Mr. Godwin fit a side wall into place. (Barry Byers)
Edgar nails the panel to the frame. (Barry Byers)
Brandon handles the welds. (Barry Byers)
Edgar prepares to add more wall support. (Barry Byers)
A ladder and nail gun and a job well done. (Barry Byers)
More welding for Brandon. (Barry Byers)
Zack and Mr. Godwin add the second half of the exterior wall. (Barry Byers)
Brandon Jacinto nails an extra support stud into the wall’s frame. (Barry Byers)
Mr Godwin admires the almost done stage of the concession stand. (Barry Byers)