IHS Ag Department students hone skills building concession stand and more.

Image: IHS Ag Teacher Blake Godwin oversees the construction of a visitor side concession stand for the football field.

IHS Ag Teacher Blake Godwin oversees the construction of a visitor side concession stand for the football field. (Barry Byers)

Image: Mr. Godwin demonstrates the ease of cutting a wavy line.

Mr. Godwin demonstrates the ease of cutting a wavy line. (Barry Byers)

Image: Senior Edgar Salazar, Mr. Godwin, and senior Zackery Boykin have a chuckle at the Ag Teacher’s expense.

Senior Edgar Salazar, Mr. Godwin, and senior Zackery Boykin have a chuckle at the Ag Teacher’s expense. (Barry Byers)

Image: Zack and Mr. Godwin fit a side wall into place.

Zack and Mr. Godwin fit a side wall into place. (Barry Byers)

Image: Edgar nails the panel to the frame.

Edgar nails the panel to the frame. (Barry Byers)

Image: Brandon handles the welds.

Brandon handles the welds. (Barry Byers)

Image: Edgar prepares to add more wall support.

Edgar prepares to add more wall support. (Barry Byers)

Image: A ladder and nail gun and a job well done.

A ladder and nail gun and a job well done. (Barry Byers)

Image: More welding for Brandon.

More welding for Brandon. (Barry Byers)

Image: Zack and Mr. Godwin add the second half of the exterior wall.

Zack and Mr. Godwin add the second half of the exterior wall. (Barry Byers)

Image: Brandon Jacinto nails an extra support stud into the wall’s frame.

Brandon Jacinto nails an extra support stud into the wall’s frame. (Barry Byers)

Image: Mr Godwin admires the almost done stage of the concession stand.

Mr Godwin admires the almost done stage of the concession stand. (Barry Byers)

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