Italy CBI athletes stand proud at the podium after basketball Special Olympics

Image: Practice and hard work paid off as Stafford Elementary’s Mikey South made use of the basketball goal standing in his driveway to eventually stand atop the championship podium in Cedar Hill to receive his 1st place gold medal after posting the fastest time in the 10 meter dribbling race with a 3.8 second victory in his heat. Parents Michael and Tessa South were on hand to share the exciting moment with the champ.

Practice and hard work paid off as Stafford Elementary’s Mikey South made use of the basketball goal standing in his driveway to eventually stand atop the championship podium in Cedar Hill to receive his 1st place gold medal after posting the fastest time in the 10 meter dribbling race with a 3.8 second victory in his heat. Parents Michael and Tessa South were on hand to share the exciting moment with the champ. (Barry Byers)

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