Italy Lion’s Club serves the needy and hopes to boost local membership

Image: A display features the Texas Lion’s Camp which Lion’s Club members from all over the State help make possible for children ages 7-16 living with physical disabilities, children 8-15 having type 1 diabetes and Down syndrome kids 12-16 years old. Campers generally attend year-after-year with the TLC being a special event in their lives.

A display features the Texas Lion’s Camp which Lion’s Club members from all over the State help make possible for children ages 7-16 living with physical disabilities, children 8-15 having type 1 diabetes and Down syndrome kids 12-16 years old. Campers generally attend year-after-year with the TLC being a special event in their lives. (Anne Sutherland)

Image: Invited guests listen intently as Meg Lyons and Flossie Gowin explain different functions of Lion’s Club International, and more specifically, the Italy chapter which is needing to grow its membership.

Invited guests listen intently as Meg Lyons and Flossie Gowin explain different functions of Lion’s Club International, and more specifically, the Italy chapter which is needing to grow its membership. (Barry Byers)

Image: City of Italy mayor, James Hobbs, speaks with the group and addresses the importance of having a civic organizations such as the Lion’s Club actively involved in the community.

City of Italy mayor, James Hobbs, speaks with the group and addresses the importance of having a civic organizations such as the Lion’s Club actively involved in the community. (Barry Byers)

Image: Members and invited guests enjoy a slide presentation from the Dallas Filipino Lion’s Chapter and Director of Texas Lions Camp, Vinod Mathur, detailing the Texas Lion’s Camp and the function of Lion’s Club members in general.

Members and invited guests enjoy a slide presentation from the Dallas Filipino Lion’s Chapter and Director of Texas Lions Camp, Vinod Mathur, detailing the Texas Lion’s Camp and the function of Lion’s Club members in general. (Anne Sutherland)

Image: Alvin Onstad and his wife Mayme Onstad discuss Lion’s Club membership concerns with those attending.

Alvin Onstad and his wife Mayme Onstad discuss Lion’s Club membership concerns with those attending. (Anne Sutherland)

Image: Arval Gowin keeps everyone entertained while enjoying a meal prepared by his wife, Flossie Gowin along with Meg Lyons.

Arval Gowin keeps everyone entertained while enjoying a meal prepared by his wife, Flossie Gowin along with Meg Lyons. (Anne Sutherland)

Image: City of Italy mayor, James Hobbs, enjoys the presentation along with Amber and Joshua Droll.

City of Italy mayor, James Hobbs, enjoys the presentation along with Amber and Joshua Droll. (Anne Sutherland)

Image: Karen and Donald Brummett consider rejoining the Italy chapter of the Lion’s Club.

Karen and Donald Brummett consider rejoining the Italy chapter of the Lion’s Club. (Anne Sutherland)

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