Appreciation/Fundraiser event planned in honor of Barry Byers, Sept. 27, 2013

To our Italy family,

We are writing with a special request. Please read on…

Several community members have come together with the goal of having a “Barry Byers Day.” Our hopes in having this event is #1 to let Barry Byers know how much we ALL appreciate what he does for our children and our community, #2 to have a fun community event that can unite our families with food, etc. and finally, and most importantly, #3, to raise funds to purchase Barry a really nice sports camera, lens, etc.

The ItalyNeotribune stands behind Barry 100%, but you have to understand, the ItalyNeotribune is unfortunately not a money making venture and cannot afford the $4,000 it will take to purchase what Barry needs and deserves. The $35,000 yearly that it takes to keep the ItalyNeotribune going is derived solely on the generosity of Mr. David South and his heirs. We can promise that Mr. South will make a contribution to the “camera cause” but needs the support of the community to really make it happen.

We are proposing to have the event on Friday night, September 27th. This is a bye week for our Gladiators. A perfect night to get “Italy/Gladiator Nation” together and also a night that Barry will have nothing better to do!

The Uptown Cafe has generously volunteered to open up their cafe that evening to serve baked potatoes and BBQ sandwiches. We have made arrangements to have the downtown pavilion as well. In the pavilion, our plans are to have ping pong tables and washer boards set up for the kids and community to enjoy. Ping pong tournaments, washer board tournaments and some rousing games of “Gladiator pong” (AKA jungle pong) are some possibilities—or bring your lawn chairs and just watch the fun.

There are discussions of possibly having a silent auction along the sidewalk in downtown that evening as well.

This is a work-in-progress so more activities may develop.

All monies raised at this event, either by paying for the meal &/or donations, will go directly to purchasing Barry the camera that he deserves. The camera will benefit all of us as Barry continues to promote, via the ItalyNeotribune and social media, the talent and charm that our little town holds.

Barry Byers waves the proverbial Gladiator Flag 100% of the time, bleeds gold always, helps his neighbor when called upon and makes a difference promoting Italy every single day. Lets make this happen to show our appreciation for what he does for all of us.

What can you do?
Well, donate money for starters. But please realize that there are grandparents, aunts and uncles all over the US that count on the ItalyNeotribune to know what is happening in Italy, Texas with regards to their loved ones and friends. We are reaching out to anyone and everyone that has been touched by the Neo and perhaps grinned at one of the clever image captions that Barry creates daily. I know he has put a smile on your face once or twice too.

We also need volunteers. Perhaps you could cook potatoes that day or maybe you would help by getting tournaments set up for washers or ping pong. Could you donate a case of water, a tub of butter? There will be lots to do and any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Let us know what you can do to help. Let us hear of any ideas that you have that might make this an even more enjoyable event for the community. Help show our appreciation to Barry!

Please call. We need your help.

Robbie Jones
(972) 921-4067

Amanda Connor
(972) 800-2238