Italy’s JH volleyball squads fill the dome with energy and spirit
Several members of the Italy Junior High volleyball teams keep the energy stirred up from the bleachers with squad spirit and plenty of personality as Italy welcomed Bynum to the coliseum for a triple-header. (Barry Byers)
Italy serves to Bynum. (Barry Byers)
Maegan Connor(15) serves as a line judge in her spare time. (Barry Byers)
Acting silly but having fun representing Italy’s Junior High! (Barry Byers)
Rachel Huskins(22) and Kirsten Viator(11) chill at the top of the bleachers before their game. (Barry Byers)
Rachel Huskins, Kirsten Viator, Kirby Nelson, Jessica Garcia, Sydney Weeks, Jenna Holden, Annie Perry, Brycelen Richards and Noelia Garcia keep themselves entertained. (Barry Byers)
Karley Nelson reacts to the ball. (Barry Byers)
Italy serves up a winner. (Barry Byers)
Annie Perry(13) prepares to serve for Italy. (Barry Byers)
Kirby Nelson(25) bumps the ball to teammtes. (Barry Byers)
Jill Varner(35) practicing bumping the ball up during warmups for Italy. (Barry Byers)
I got it! (Barry Byers)
Jada Jackson(39) is ready to play defense. (Barry Byers)
Italy bumps the ball back over the net. (Barry Byers)
Italy’s Karson Holley(3) gets into her defensive position and concentrates on the upcoming serve. (Barry Byers)
Serve it to me…serve it to me… (Barry Byers)
Striker Virginia Stephens(40) makes a play on the ball. (Barry Byers)
Sydney Weeks gives teammate Jenna Holden a ride to their match against Bynum. (Barry Byers)
Cassidy Gage warms up before her squad’s match against Bynum. (Barry Byers)
When it comes to filling her big sister Kirby Nelson’s shoes, little sister Karley Neslon(8) has a monkey on her back. (Barry Byers)
Sophomore Lady Gladiator Lillie “Coach” Perry helps the Junior High girls during pre-game drills. (Barry Byers)
The real deal Tatum Adams! (Barry Byers)
Hannah Haight gets her kicks on the volleyball court! (Barry Byers)
Karley “I will blowup your camera” Nelson! (Barry Byers)