Bonus coverage of the Italy HS Christmas Concert featuring three school bands
Band director Jesus Perez watches over his 6th grade band kids with an obvious pride. (Barry Byers)
Colby Hampton and the the 6th Grade Band trombone section give it their all. (Barry Byers)
The 6th Grade band gives an amazing performance to start the 2013 Christmas concert. (Barry Byers)
The 6th graders wrap up their Christmas concert performance. (Barry Byers)
Brennon Sigler and Michael Gonzalez hoist their tubas high in triumph. (Barry Byers)
We did it! Self pride fills each band member after their performance. (Barry Byers)
Assistant band director David Graves leads the Jr. High band thru a couple of festive songs. (Barry Byers)
Jaylon Lusk, Hannah Haight and Clay Riddle play trombone for the junior high band. (Barry Byers)
Gladiator Regiment Band members help fill the old gym and their entire community with Christmas spirit. (Barry Byers)
Marcos Duarte drums away during the Christmas concert. (Barry Byers)
Band director Jesus Perez chimes in with Tristan Smithwick and the Italy Junior High Band. (Barry Byers)
Ben Latimer and Clay Riddle get a chance to watch the high school band perform. (Barry Byers)
Ty Hamilton helps lead the Junior High Band by playing the clarinet. (Barry Byers)
Jennifer McDaniel is a colorful addition to the trumpet section. (Barry Byers)
When Alexis Sampley plays the flute, everyone listens. (Barry Byers)
Hunter Wood plays the tuba soulfully. (Barry Byers)
Brycelyn Richards rests her flute on her shoulder while awaiting her next notes to play. (Barry Byers)
Garrett Janek gives it his all along with his fellow trumpeters. (Barry Byers)
Student band teacher Cherry Lloyd is presented with a gift from Jesus Perez, David Graves and the entire cast of the Gladiator Regiment Band members.
Andrea Hooker takes pics of her kiddos during and after the band concerts. (Barry Byers)
Kevin Roldan congratulates Amber Hooker after her performance during the Christmas concert. Pink is definitely her color:) (Barry Byers)
Kimberly Nelson is proud of daughter Kelsey Nelson and her ability to play the trombone. (Barry Byers)
Courtney Riddle with her mother Michele Riddle after the concert. (Barry Byers)
Emmy Cunningham and Hannah Haight are proud and stylish band members. (Barry Byers)