Pamela Thomas hired as Stafford Elementary Principal
New Stafford Elementary Principal, Pamela Thomas, poses with several Stafford Elementary teachers and staff members at Monday night’s board meeting.
Front Row: (L-R) Holly Spraberry, Paula Mandrell, Angela Janek, Kim Varner, Christie Hyles, Michelle Hampton
Back Row: (L-R) Davee Garcia, Melinda Haake, Melissa Bedard, Principal-Pamela Thomas, DeeDee Hamilton, Jeanette Janek
The Board of Trustees of Italy Independent School District welcomed Jamie Velasco to his first board meeting as the new superintendent.
Principal Report
Mr. Joffre presented administrative reports for the high school and elementary listing upcoming STARR/EOC test dates:
- 3/31 – English I EOC
- 4/1 – 4th Writing, 5th Math, 7th Writing, 8th Math, English II EOC
- 4/2 – 4th Writing, 5th Reading, 7th Writing, 8th Reading
- 4/22 – 3rd, 4th, & 6th Math, 7th Math, 8th Social Studies
- 4/23 – 3rd, 4th, 6th Reading & 5th Science, 8th Science, 7th Reading
Mr. Joffre reported that there will be a guest speaker (Ray Shufer) at the STAAR pep rally at the elementary on March 28th. Mrs. Berdard was congratulated on keeping things rolling at the elementary while in-between principals.
Principal Joffre reported on Italy High School 2014 seniors and their college and post high school readiness. He elaborated on these points:
- 84% (32 students) of seniors have applied to a post high school institute
- 53% (20 students) of seniors have been accepted to a post high school institute
- 45% (17 students) of seniors have applied for at least one scholarship
Maintenance Director Report
Michael Chambers, the maintenance director addressed the new locking system to narrow down to a one key system. Teachers and staff are encouraged to contact him with any projects that need to be done. The score boards for the baseball and softball fields are ready and projected to be installed around March 31st . Mark Stiles questioned cost on truck repairs on a truck that had a part stolen in Fort Worth with repairs totaling $7,900.00. Stiles then addressed the increased gas bill to the campus and inquired about the cap to be maintained.
Athletic Director Report
Coach Tindol, the athletic director reported an interest in adding a football coach to his staff. He then voiced citizens concerns for a girls conditioning program. Ida Overton asked about games and track meets to be played with closer schools to help achieve earlier return times for students. The basketball teams have spoken to five schools that have agreed but the track meets cannot be adjusted. The board is aware of parent complaints due to the track meet students coming in so late. Tindol stated that UIL will not allow meets to start before 3:30. Paul Cockerham requested pole-vault mats and recognized Italy’s six female students who will attend the Texas Relays.
DSA Construction Management presented a power point presentation for their Construction Management services. Mark Stiles noted there is no plan on building this is just investigating preliminary needs in the future. All approved to entertain the idea of assessing facility needs but not to start any construction at this time. Mr. Velasco was authorized to approve and finalize any contracts with Architects Rabe & Partners.
Action Items
After a short executive session, Pamela Thomas was approved and hired as Stafford Elementary ’s new principal. She is retired Air force after 22 years of service and has worked in education for the last eleven years. Mrs. Thomas is coming from Rosebud Lott.
After an additional executive session, the board approved the contract renewals for all Professional Staff presented to the board.
The board approved the hiring of a secondary Science teacher, to be named at a later date. The board opted to take no action on the position for the secondary Business teacher.
Final action was taken by the board in regards to the proposed non-renewal of the term contract employee, Beverly Cox, arising from the Reduction in Force.
The board approved the purchase of a new 77 passenger school bus to be added to the school’s fleet.
A new passenger vehicle (2014 Chevrolet Suburban) was also approved for purchase.
The facility use agreement was approved to allow two gyms and both cafeterias to be made available for rent.
Jamie Velasco recommended seeing if more citizens are interested in voting for an honorary name for the softball field. This will allow the community to come up with names to be voted on before approving a name.