Randy Compton is in the fight of his life
Randy and Vicki Compton (submitted photo)
When Randy Compton graduated from Italy High School in 1972, he had many plans and dreams. He loved to hunt and fish and hang out with his friends. He never dreamed that life’s road would take him where it has brought him to today, fighting cancer for the third time.
In 1974, Randy married Vicki Rudd, the love of his life and his best friend. They have two daughters, Brandy and Rachel. They also have ten grandblessings and one great grandblessing.
Even when he was young, Randy had a servant’s heart, so joining the Italy Volunteer Fire Department was a way he could give back to his community. He served over twenty years on the department with the last six as the Fire Chief. He was the President of the South Ellis County Little League and coached baseball, softball and football. Several of his players still remember things he taught them and he smiles as he talks about them.
“I have great memories of many of the kids I coached,” Compton said. “But coaching Barry Byers in t-ball was one of the highlights of my life. It just doesn’t get any better than that.”
After they sold their house on South Ward Street and moved to Waxahachie in 2003, the Comptons stayed in touch with many of their friends in Italy while they made new friends there. He worked for Tyler Refrigeration for 33 ½ years until they closed the plant. For the last eight years, he has been employed at the Cowboy Church of Ellis County. Vicki works for Dr. Gorman in Waxahachie.
“One of the counselors I was talking to last week told me how amazing Randy is working with juveniles that perform community service at the Cowboy Church,” Vicki said. “They ask him to supervise the kids that come there and he gladly does that. He is an amazing role model. It makes me so proud.”
In May, 2012, Randy and Vicki had their world turned upside down when he was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Life as they knew it would never be the same.
“I had three strikes against me from the start,” he explained. “I chewed tobacco as a teenager, I started smoking after that and there was cancer in my family.”
He had surgery to remove part of his tongue followed by six weeks of radiation. The doctors took a muscle and nerve out of his arm to make him a new tongue.
A year later they were dealt another blow when he went for his checkup and was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes on the opposite side. They did more surgery followed by six more weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.
Randy’s fight took another turn in March of this year when he was diagnosed with cancer yet again. The doctors told them that with this type of aggressive cancer, his life expectancy would probably be six to twelve months without chemotherapy and twelve to eighteen months with chemotherapy. The chemo may possibly help contain the cancer, which could add months to his life. He started chemotherapy on April 2nd.
Through everything, Randy’s faith has remained strong. His support system of family, friends and the members of the Cowboy Church have helped him through his fight. He knows how important the prayers of God’s people are.
“I am very glad to have been raised like I was,” he said. “I was raised in church and accepted Christ as my Savior when I was ten. I was taught to live with honor, integrity and self respect.”
The people that know Randy know that he lives what he was taught. He and Vicki have been active members of the Cowboy Church for eleven years. He lives every day for God and to help others.
Randy has a bucket list and wishes to accomplish the three things that are on it.
“I want to go to see my sister, GiGi in Montana. She is a breast cancer survivor that is fighting a liver disease. I want to visit Niagara Falls – I have always wanted to do that. And I want to go to Washington, D.C.”
With all the medical expenses over the last three years and ongoing treatment now, the Compton’s could use the community’s help. They have impacted the lives of so many people that have crossed their path and helped anyone that needed it for many years. Now, it is time for the community to help them by giving back.
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014, the Waxahachie Chick-fil-A will have a Randy Compton Spirit Day. From 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Chick-fil-A will donate 15% of all sales that day to Mr. Compton if you tell your server that you are there to support Randy Compton. The community is encouraged to help support this fundraiser.
No matter what happens in the future, Randy will continue his fight. He has never given up on anything and doesn’t plan to do that now. He knows that God is in control and that gives him the strength to keep fighting every day.