Special Bible Study set at Central Baptist Church


Do you feel like your prayers aren’t getting past the ceiling? Do you desire to have a more powerful prayer life? Learn to pray God’s way from the pattern Jesus gave to his disciples, with intensive, practical insights to revolutionize the way you pray (and live) today!

An in-depth study of the Lord’s Prayer

Enriching your prayer Life

Beginning on Sunday, October 26.

Meet in the fellowship hall at 4:15 at Central Baptist Church, 113 Ward Street, to begin this study. The study will last 5 weeks and meet for an hour and 15 minutes

Childcare will be provided at no charge.

The cost of the work book for this study is $12.

Contact Susan Wooten (972-483-7474) or Debbie Tatum (214-949-3181) for more information.

You can sign up for this study in several ways: