A Bonfire, Parade and Pep-Rally set the tone for a grande finale against Dawson
The Italy High School cheerleaders perform a cheer as the band plays behind them in anticipation of lighting the homecoming bonfire. (Barry Byers)
Jack Hernandez(80) and K’Breona Davis are ready to light the bonfire. (Barry Byers)
Levi McBride(1) and Clayton Miller(6) are prepped for the homecoming bonfire. (Barry Byers)
Dyland “Monster” McCasland(40) is ready to play with some homecoming energy against Dawson. (Barry Byers)
Tomi Newman gives Barry Grant(99) a lift so he can see the bonfire better. (Barry Byers)
What is this, a homecoming bonfire or a luau? (Barry Byers)
Britney Chambers tops off a stunt as the cheer squad sparks Gladiator Nation. (Barry Byers)
Assistant band director David Graves and Lillie Perry are pumped to end a song. (Barry Byers)
Coach Jon Proud rises up with help of a bulldozer so his advice for a homecoming victory can be heard. (Barry Byers)
We’re #1 and these little ones are proud to show it! (Barry Byers)
Joe Celis(8) and Clay Riddle(77) sport classic Gladiator battle posses in preparation for Italy’s homecoming duel against Dawson. (Barry Byers)
Looks like the next generation of Gladiators and Lady Gladiators are inspired. (Barry Byers)
Kace and his dad Clayton enjoy the homecoming bonfire together. Kace is currently a member of the IYAA Football C-team Gladiators. (Barry Byers)
The Gladiator Regiment Marching Band leads the parade thru downtown Italy. (Barry Byers)
With their candy bags in hand, everybody lines up in downtown Italy in anticipation of the parade. (Barry Byers)
Homecoming King Nominee Coby Jeffords(10) and Homecoming Queen Nominee Reagan Cockerham wave to the fans during the parade. (Barry Byers)
Homecoming Queen Nominee Bailey Eubank and Homecoming King Nominee Colin Newman(76) cruise the parade in style. (Barry Byers)
Homecoming Queen Nominee Jaclynn Lewis and Homecoming King Nominee Kyle Fortenberry(66) are enjoying the parade while passing out candy. (Barry Byers)
Homecoming Queen Nominee Kelsey Nelson and Homecoming King Nominee Chace McGinnis are dressed to impress. (Barry Byers)
The junior high Gladiators pass by and pitch candy to the fans. (Barry Byers)
Joe Celis(8) and the Gladiators are ready for their homecoming matchup against Dawson, right after this parade and pep-rally. (Barry Byers)
Ryan Connor(7) tosses candy to the little fans as Gary Escamilla(9) and the rest of the Gladiators hang on for a wild homecoming ride against Dawson. (Barry Byers)
Gladiators David De La Hoya(56), John Escamilla(50)m Austin Crawford(55), Dyland McCasland(40), Kyle Tindol(12), Hunter Ballard(30) and Cody Boyd(15) are floating on a cloud. (Barry Byers)
The Stafford Elementary Student Council decorated their homecoming float in full support of the Gladiators. (Barry Byers)