Taylor Perry — Italy High School Class of 2015
After graduating Italy High School in 2015, Taylor Perry hopes to attend college and maybe travel some. (McGraw-Clark Photography | mcgrawclark.com)
Senior Profile for Taylor Perry
Taylor is the daughter of William Perry and Laurie Greenlee.
Plans after High School:
Taylor hopes to go to college and maybe travel some.
Personal/Scholastic Accomplishments:
Taylor has participated in FCCLA for the last four years and was elected secretary this year. She has served on student council for the last two years as well as being an active member of theatre. This year, Taylor joined yearbook.
Influential Person:
Taylor says that her family has been the most influential group in her life and that there wouldn’t be a way she could choose just one person. She says her family really works well together; they always encourage one another and help each other.
Educator Appreciation:
“Mrs. Bradley is one of my favorite teachers along with Mrs. Windham, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Holden. All of these teachers have helped me with school and understanding. They have always taken the time to make sure that everything was understood and not just forgotten about me and the rest of the class.”