Tyler Vencill — Italy High School Class of 2015
After graduating Italy High School in 2015, Tyler Vencill wants to study kinesiology and become a physical therapist or study psychology and become a psychologist. (McGraw-Clark Photography | mcgrawclark.com)
Senior Profile for Tyler Vencill
Tyler is the son of Brandi Vencill, and Tommy and Amber Vencill (stepmom).
Plans after High School:
Tyler plans to attend Oklahoma Baptist University where he wants to either study kinesiology and become a physical therapist or study psychology and become a psychologist. Tyler has already received a partial scholarship to attend OBU.
Personal/scholastic Accomplishments:
*Scored 24 on ACT
*Placed in the 97th percentile on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
*Played Varsity baseball and football (district honorable mention defensive line man and honorable mention 3rd baseman)
Influential Person:
Tyler’s Mom and Dad have been very influential in his life. His mom raised him as a single mother, while his dad taught him so much about life. Both Tyler’s mom and dad push him to follow his dreams of playing professional baseball.
Educator Appreciation:
“Mrs. Mavers was my principal at Stafford Elementary. She taught me how to be respectful and how to be the best that I could be.”