Italy Police Dept and Italy Fire Dept. goes Christmas Shopping
Front row: Bailey Eubank, Oralia, Taylor, Kaylee, Shamiyah, Isaac, JR
Back Row: Madison Washington, Alexis Sampley, Officer Elliott, Chief Martin, Firefighter Kimmons, Capt. Cate, Officer Click, Officer Saxon, Sgt Pitts, Officer Cherry, Lt B. Chambers
Sgt Pitts and Shamiyah shopping
Officer Cherry and JR shopping
Isaac, firefighter Kimmons and Officer Saxon
Oralia, Alexis and Officer Elliott
Chief Chambers, Officer Cherry, Lt B. Chambers and JR with a buggy full of gifts.
Front row: Taylor, Shamiyah, JR, Isaac, Kaylee, Oralia, Bailey Eubank and Madison Washington.
Back Row: Officer Click, Chief Chambers, Chief Martin, firefighter Kimmons, Lt B. Chambers, Capt. Cate, Officer Cherry, Sgt Pitts, Officer Saxon, Alexis Sampley, Officer Elliott
Gift wrapping time
Madison Washington and Kaylee
Busy, busy, busy.
Manuela Martin pouring punch while JR watches over the cookies.
JR and Officer Cherry shopping
Madison Washington, Alexis Sampley, Oralia and Kaylee
Oralia, Kaylee, JR , Shamiyah and Taylor playing games at Cici’s Pizza.
Isaac and Capt Cate playing air hockey
Taylor giving Chief Martin a high five
Selfie time: Sgt Pitts, Bailey Eubank, Shamiyah and Kaylee
Officer Elliott practicing being a fireman
Sgt Pitts and Shamiyah
Capt Cate and JR
Chief Martin and Taylor
Bailey Eubank, Madison Washington, Kaylee
The kids eating at Cici’s pizza