Happily Ever After?


All of the month of September, Central Baptist Church will be pouring wisdom and clarity and love into marriages. There will be a four-week sermon series, Sunday school series, and evening activity series. I beg you all to be involved in all of the events and to invite people to come to church for this series. I can’t stress this enough. Our marriages all need a time to refocus, whether we are in happy relationships or our marriage is falling apart. Bring your spouse or come alone.

Sunday school will begin in the sanctuary each week at 9:30, then break out into small groups. The time of corporate worship begins at 10:45 each week in the sanctuary also. There will be Sunday evening activities, including a fun night for adults on September 13 at 6 pm. There will also be a date night with free child care at the church on Saturday, September 19 from 6-10 pm. Make sure and plan a date for that evening with the one you love.

Also, each week, text or e-mail questions you’d like answered in the sermon to Bro. Joseph at 940.481.0221 or [email protected]. We will talk about issues such as unrealistic expectations, family finances, communication skills, what the Bible says about love and marriage, and how to connect to counseling and other resources. Whether you are single, married, divorced, widowed, or anything in between, this series is for you. We are excited to join you in this journey as we explore marriage with fresh eyes through the month of September.