CAR WASH – Friday, June 17, 2-8pm, for Lady Gladiator state champion track rings
The parents of the Italy Lady Gladiator state championship track team will be sponsoring a car wash to help raise money for the team’s individual state championship rings on Friday, June 17, from 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., on the 1st Baptist Church Parking Lot in Italy, Texas. (Barry Byers)
The parents of the Italy Lady Gladiator state championship track team will be sponsoring a car wash to help raise money for the team’s individual state championship rings. The monies raised will go towards purchasing 5 total rings.
Team members Halee Turner, Janae Robertson, April Lusk, T’Keyah Pace and Chardanae Talton will also be on the cleaning line with hoses and towels ready to give your vehicle a champions’ shine!!!!!
• Friday, June 17, 2016
• 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
• 1st Baptist Church Parking Lot in Italy, Texas.
— Donations will also be accepted during the car wash. —
Donations can also be made by contacting Ronda Cockerham at:
Cell: 972-935-4573
Email: [email protected]
The Italy Athletic Department appreciates everyone’s continued support! |