The Shawnee Cattle Trail Historical Marker Dedication
The Shawnee Cattle Trail Historical Marker was dedicated on October 15, 2016 (Karen Mathiowetz)
Members of the Italy High School FFA. (left to right) Colton Allen, Austin Pittmon, Elijah Garcia and Aaron Pittmon. (Karen Mathiowetz)
FFA members raising the American Flag. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Italy FFA members presenting the Texas flag. (Karen Mathiowetz)
David Vantreese with his grandson, Regan Fletcher, shown with 1870s typical campsite for a cattle drive. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Nancy Paup visits with Italy resident, Sandy Westbrook. (Karen Mathiowetz)
David Smith, cowboy poet, recites Thaddeus and Nathan, the poem he composed. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Gary Farmer, local rancher, on horseback beside the campsite. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Thaddeus Edgar “Ted” Paup, owner of Pecan Springs Ranch, welcomes everyone to the ranch. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Sharan Farmer reads the wording from the historical marker. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Texas Historical Commission Vice-Chair, John Crane, said the marker is the 141st in Ellis County. (Karen Mathiowetz)
County Judge, Carol Bush, reads the Ellis County proclamation. (Karen Mathiowetz)
Approximately 100 dignitaries and guests attended the dedication. (Karen Mathiowetz)