City of Italy recognizes local resident for bravery and selfless act
Police Chief Cameron Beckham presents Greg Anderson a plaque honoring him for bravery. (Karen Mathiowetz)
During the city council meeting on Monday night, Police Chief Cameron Beckham on behalf of the City recognized Italy resident, Greg Anderson, for his act of bravery while rendering aid to an accident victim. Beckham said Mr. Anderson risked his life to save a truck driver after he had an accident.
Karen Mathiowetz addressed the council about an item on the agenda regarding changing the hours at City Hall and Public Works from five to four day week.
“I am against you changing the hours from Monday through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 to Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 6:00. This would give city employees a three-day weekend every week. I worked at City Hall and know Friday is a busy day. It would be crazy to close on Friday. If you need extended hours, try bringing an employee in one day from 9:00 to 7:00, but I am asking you not to change the hours.”
Council members Carl Cash and Troy Kowalsky asked why this was necessary.
“If we do this it will cost the city more to have Public Works on call another day. Citizens will pay more for this in the long run,” said Carl Cash.
“We have the drop box for anyone to pay their water bill after hours,” Troy Kowalsky said. “I don’t believe this is in the best interest of the citizens.”
Paul Shearin said he had spoken to several employees and some were in favor of it and others were not. He stated that if employees were not in agreement, it needs to stay as it is.
Mayor Farmer said the city needs to be open five days per week. He also stated we are rushing to get this passed and he was not in favor of that.
After discussion, the council voted to take no action.
Rodney Guthrie addressed the council on behalf of Harris Paint and Body Shop.
He said that he had requested to be put on the agenda and the request was denied so he was speaking in open forum.
“Two weeks ago auto body work was taken out of the city. We pay city taxes. We have been in business 60 years and have always done body work for the city. The city is always saying shop Italy first but they are giving business to those outside the city. This is taking business away from those in town.”
He added he received a letter signed by the city attorney stating the city was not required to take bids on the body work and the matter was considered closed so they declined his request to be placed on the November agenda.
During Mayor comments, Steven Farmer said it was his decision to allow the work to be done by Gary Wood. He said that Gary contributed to the Italy community and supported the community and city even though his business was not located within the city limits. He added he wanted to spread the city business around to support all businesses in the area.
Police Department Report
Increased presence at Italy ISD
105 calls for service
4 city ordinance citations
4 animal control citations
3 arrests
965 total hours (full time officers)
30 total hours (volunteer officers)
Court Report
131 total violations
56 warrants issued
139 dispositions
154 Omni Base/Collections
$27,805.67 Financial
Public Works
6,358,800 Gallons Pumped
15.40 % Water Loss
$156,323.10 Receivables
868 Total Meters
Shawn Holden reported that on November 21 the city would be using free chlorine instead of chloramine. He said that the citizens might notice a stronger chlorine smell for approximately 2 weeks while they flush the chloramine from the water lines.
$34,888.87 October Sales Tax
Ronda Cockerham reported that she had completed the last requirement for her certification. She also said that Tina Long had passed the Level 1 Certification for Court Clerk.
She also reported that Trick or Treat on Main Street was a success.