Mavs Maniaacs to perform during PACK THE DOME NIGHT as Italy takes on Kerens

Image: The Mavs Maniaacs, featuring Italy’s own, Shedric Walker (A Maniaac since 2013), are set to perform live during Italy’s PACK THE DOME NIGHT on Friday,  January 6, 2017. Italy will be playing four games against visiting Kerens while honoring Italy High School’s 1997 State Champion Boys Basketball Team.

The Mavs Maniaacs, featuring Italy’s own, Shedric Walker (A Maniaac since 2013), are set to perform live during Italy’s PACK THE DOME NIGHT on Friday, January 6, 2017. Italy will be playing four games against visiting Kerens while honoring Italy High School’s 1997 State Champion Boys Basketball Team. (Submitted photo)

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