Italy City Council Candidate Questionnaire: Greg Richards


Please tell us a little about yourself (current work, education, experience, background).

I have been on the council for approximately 16 years. I am currently off work because of surgery. I was working at Baylor Hospital in Dallas when I had my surgery. I have lived in Italy for 45 years. I married an Italy girl and have 2 kids, Michelle Walton and Allen Richards and 7 grandkids.

How many council meetings did you attend in the last 12 months?

Approximately 10 or more with budget hearings and all.

Why are you seeking to be a council member?

I enjoy helping people and I want to see our city do well. We have seen a lot of good things happen over the last few years. I hope we can continue to grow and prosper as a city. I want to continue to serve the people of Italy.

What qualifications or experience do you possess that voters should consider?

I worked 33 years with the Texas Department of Transportation in the engineering section. I am familiar with street maintenance and repairs. I am familiar with estimates and bids. I have also served on the council and am familiar with what we are doing.

What do you consider the most important issue facing our city today?

Providing jobs and keeping our people in the city. Our water system is improving and we will continue to work with this. We need new business in our cities and we have some coming.

What do you hope to accomplish during the next 2 years?

Continue to upgrade our water system. Continue to encourage new business to our town and make Italy a good place to live and raise a family.

What do you consider the most important and least important duties a council member has?

Attend all meetings as possible. Hire good people to work in Italy. Encourage people to stay here and to provide jobs for our citizens.

What do you think should be the top priorities of the city after this election?

Continue to upgrade our water and sewer system. Try to get new business to come to Italy. Make our city a place where people would like to live.

Is there anything you would want to change about the way our city is run?

We have some good people in place in our police department, our water department and in city hall. We need to encourage our people to look at schools,training and to be proud to work here.

What do you think the city should do to draw new businesses or industry to Italy?

Clean our city up. Remove old buildings, take care of over grown property and support the business we already have.

What community service have you given any community in the past?

I have served on several boards, I was in the EMSE Fire Department over 20 years. I have coached little league baseball, football and basketball. I am an active member of First Baptist Church here in Italy.

What do you want the voters to know that they may not know?

We as councilmen are proud of our city. We have tried hard to hire good people to run the city. If I can be of assistance to anyone my phone number is in the book.

What do you think could be done to cut expenses in the city budget if any?

With the cost of fuel it is hard to save on it. We have upgraded our water system and are still working on it. Our department heads are working on ways to cut down where ever they can.