Italy City Council Candidate Questionnaire: Rodney Guthrie


Please tell us a little about yourself (current work, education, experience, background).

My wife, Zina, and I are proud residents of Italy, Texas. I have been a lifelong resident of Italy. A majority of my family makes Italy their home. I graduated from Italy HS in 1986. My grandfather, Bobby Harris, and I own and operate Harris Paint and Body Shop, which has been in business in Italy for over 50 years. I am very proud to call Italy, Texas my home.

How many council meetings did you attend in the last 12 months?

I believe I missed at least one meeting in the last twelve months.

Why are you seeking to be a council member?

I currently hold a position on the city council, I am very proud of this community, and want to see the city continue to go in a positive direction.

What qualifications or experience do you possess that voters should consider?

I currently hold a position on the council, seeking re-election. I have served on the council for I believe 8 terms. For the majority of my tenure on the council, I am very proud to have been appointed as mayor pro tem. If re-elected, I will strive to continue to keep the city moving in a positive direction.

What do you consider the most important issue facing our city today?

Infrastructure. We have made great strides the last several years improving this city’s infrastructure; mainly the water and sewer systems. There is still work to be done and I am seeking re-election to continue that work.

What do you hope to accomplish during the next 2 years?

Growth. We need to continue making improvements to the city’s infrastructure. Making these improvements will prepare the city in being able to handle the growth; residential, industrial, and commercial that I hope to see the city get over the next several years.

What do you consider the most important and least important duties a council member has?

There is not a least important duty that a council member will face. I have considered all of my past duties very important and if re-elected will continue to do so.

What do you think should be the top priorities of the city after this election?

As it has been for the last several years, Infrastructure and Growth. These two issues go hand and hand.

Is there anything you would want to change about the way our city is run?

I have learned over the years, serving as a council member that change is constant. I try, as a council member, to make the best decisions that benefit the city and its community. I continually evaluate what is occurring in our city, good and bad, and make decisions that best benefit the city and community.

What do you think the city should do to draw new businesses or industry to Italy?

I am very proud of the city’s Economic Development Board, who is working very hard to assist the city in drawing new businesses and industry to the city. We must continue to work on the improvement of our infrastructure to assist in handling the capacity that these companies will add to the city’s infrastructure systems.

What community service have you given any community in the past?

As a council member, I have set on the Economic Development Board. I did however, resign the position last term to concentrate all my efforts, to the city and its citizen’s, as a member of the city council.

What do you want the voters to know that they may not know?

I have lived in this city my entire life. Over the years, our city has grown, and we have been blessed with great citizens who I also believe feels the same as me. We as a community will not always agree on a certain path that is being taken to get to a specific destination. I will strive to make the best decisions possible in keeping the city moving in a positive direction.

What do you think could be done to cut expenses in the city budget if any?

The City of Italy is currently experiencing the growing pains of a city that is making strives for a positive and prosperous growth. Every year I, along with my fellow council members, Mayor, and city staff, work very diligently on the city’s budget to ensure that we only budget monies necessary; needed to keep the city running and maintain positive city services.