Italy Park Board strives to reach goals
New building in our future — The Italy Park Board is giving Upchurch Ballpark a facelift. A new building 30′ × 50′ will be erected in a week. (Anne Sutherland)
The Italy Park Board met Tuesday night and discussed plans for updating our community. The Upchurch Ballfields are home to three playing fields used for Italy baseball, softball & t-ball teams, residents and surrounding towns. The existing concession stand does not meet the current needs and the longtime goals are already set in motion.
The Park Board has already paid for a new building. “The forms are laid, the slab will be poured and the new building will be in place next week. It will take 2-3 days to erect,” Ronda Cockerham, Assistant City Secretary, said. “We will still need to finish out the project. We are looking for donations for fixtures, AC, fans, toilets, roll up doors, tables and chairs. The building will be roughed in, which means the interior walls, electrical and plumbing will be in place. The Board is working to finish this project by June,” Cockerham said. Also, the walls of the existing concession stand will be removed and a shady place will be available for picnic tables. “This ballpark will be rentable for birthday parties, tournaments and different functions,” she said. Of course, the teams that use the fields every weekend will enjoy the new addition as well.
The second targeted area for update is George Scott Park. A new pavilion will be constructed soon. The Park Board is working with City Secretary/Administrator, Teri Murdock, to complete these projects.
The Park Board also discussed different fundraisers to meet the financial burdens. Everything from street dances, July 4th festivals to all day softball tournaments were suggested. The discussion was tabled and each member will return to the next meeting with a researched idea and formal details to be decided upon. The next meeting will be June 1 and the public is invited.
Members of the Park Board in attendance were Stephanie Wilson, Clover Stiles, Jason Escamilla, Bruce Utley and Lisa Mott.