School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Henry Harris
Henry Harris Family
1. Please tell us a little about yourself (current work, education, experience, background).
My name is Henry Harris. I am married to Susan Wolaver Harris and we have one daughter, Hannah, who will be two years old in July. I am an Italy native and attended Italy schools. After graduating from Italy High School, I attended Texas Institute in Dallas in order to pursue a career in information technology. I am employed as Director of Management Information Systems with the City of Ennis and am currently in my 30th year with the city. I am also a fourth generation rancher on my family’s farm outside Italy.
2. What ties do you have at the Italy school district (i.e. children enrolled, family employed, former student)?
I have no relatives employed by Italy ISD. My wife and I both attended Italy schools and both graduated here. My daughter Hannah will be starting school in 2012 at Stafford Elementary.
3. Why are you seeking a seat on the school board?
My education from Italy ISD has served me well, and I would like to ensure that current and future students benefit from an excellent education in a small town atmosphere.
4. What qualifications or experience do you possess that voters should consider?
Having been employed at a local governmental entity for almost thirty years, I understand how the business side of the school district works. I am level headed and like to get information from as many sources as I can before making a decision.
5. What do you consider your primary responsibility as a school board member?
I feel that it is of utmost importance to give Italy students an education that will prepare them for life whether that includes college or learning a trade. This needs to be done while being fiscally responsible with taxpayers’ money.
6. What do you consider the most important issue facing our school today?
With the economy in recession and the potential loss of appraised value in our tax base, we will need to tighten our belts to deliver the same quality of education with less money.
7. What do you consider the most positive and negative aspect of being a member of the school board?
The most positive aspect is setting policy that will help ensure a quality education for current and future generations. We won’t always be able to please everyone, but I would try to do the best job with the available resources.
8. What do you think should be the top priorities of the school board after this election?
Evaluating and setting budget priorities with a shrinking tax base focusing on the importance of classroom teachers should be top priority. Getting and retaining the best teachers and administrators should always be a primary focus.
9. Are there any policy changes you would seek to implement at the school? If yes, which ones?
I do not currently have any changes in mind, but I would be interested in input from parents and teachers.
10. What community services have you given the school or community in the past?
I have served as a board member of the South Ellis County Water Supply Corporation.
11. Explain your position on hiring non-certified teachers?
I feel that hiring certified teachers is very important. However, if this is not possible and we have someone with a desire to teach, I feel that we should work with them to help them obtain the necessary certifications.
12. How would you maintain a healthy balance between education and athletics?
Education should always be our top priority, but athletics serves many purposes along with education. Some students’ primary motivation to stay in school is their involvement in sports. Involvement in all extracurricular activities teaches valuable life lessons like perseverance, integrity, and how to win and lose gracefully. We need to strive for education and athletics to coexist peacefully.
13. Because discipline is a nationwide problem, what ideas or changes would you like to see to continue to improve school discipline?
I would need to review the current policy to see if changes need to be made. I do feel that parental involvement is necessary.
14. With the current money crunch, what ideas do you have to keep the budget trim?
The budget should be reviewed on a line by line basis to look for savings opportunities.
15. What positive changes within the infrastructure of our schools might be made to retain and/or attract quality teachers to educate our children?
With declining enrollment and a tight budget, some facilities may need to be improved or remodeled. However, at this time it is my opinion that construction of new facilities is not warranted.
16. In what ways can the district’s school board be more open to listen to teachers and parents about their concerns?
If I am elected, I welcome any teacher or parent to call me at any time to discuss their concerns. I’m in the phone book.
17. What incentives, if any, do you think should be implemented to motivate students to improve their performance in the classroom?
I feel that one of the most important things we can instill in our students is the self-respect necessary to want to do good work. Their reward will be a sense of pride at a job well done, and a future full of possibilities.