Milford ISD Homecoming King and Queen

Image: Homecoming King and Queen — Milford ISD Homecoming Queen Desiree Singleton (senior) and Homecoming King Derek Williamson (senior) enjoying the spotlight.

Homecoming King and Queen — Milford ISD Homecoming Queen Desiree Singleton (senior) and Homecoming King Derek Williamson (senior) enjoying the spotlight. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Football Sweetheart and Beau — Milford ISD’s Football Sweetheart Genora Armstrong and Football Beau Derek Williamson with their family enjoying the lime light.
Football Sweetheart and Beau — Milford ISD’s Football Sweetheart Genora Armstrong and Football Beau Derek Williamson with their family enjoying the lime light. (Cindy Sutherland)

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