Vote yes

Our kids and this community need you to vote yes on the Italy ISD tax rollback. Yes, I said rollback, that may be confusing to some, and the school district has tried to explain it but, some people still find it confusing. I will try to explain it in simple terms.

Our government officials in Austin changed the rules, when they did this it caused our school to lose some funding. If you vote yes for this rollback, it is like me putting $100 in my checking account and my friend (the state) putting in $275 but it is all ours to spend on our kids. If someone offered me this I wouldn’t turn them down would you?

I would also like to add that if you currently have your taxes frozen this will not affect you, but I urge you to vote yes for your grandchildren and their grandchildren. We must continue to offer our teachers a competitive salary so that our children will receive a quality education. There is a lot more to this but I hope that in simple terms you understand why I am asking you to vote yes.

In closing I would like to address the person or persons responsible for posting the vote no signs around town (under the cover of darkness), “You are a coward.” If you want to be heard stand up and say what you believe, that is what makes this country so great, there have been a lot of good men and women who died to give you that right.

Jackie D. Cate