Lions Club bake sale
Lions Club bake sale — Austin Pittmon, Meg Lyons, Holly Pittmon, Kristi Souder, Mark Souder Sr. and Mark Souder Jr. hard at work raising money for Italy ISD graduating seniors scholarship fund by selling bake goods. (Cindy Sutherland)
Saturday, October 11, the Lions Club of Italy held a bake sale to raise money for a scholarship fund for Italy ISD.
Along with the bake sale, they were also having a canned food drive for Ministerial Alliance to help with the food pantry.
Yummy looking baked goods — brownies, bread, cookies and even homemade crackers could be purchased from the Lions Club helpers at David’s Supermarket and Citizen’s National bank.
They raised over $200 for the scholarship fund.
Arval Gowin (president of the Italy Lions Club) said, “We are starting to have a few fundraisers to help fund our scholarship program for graduating seniors. We are going to have a raffle and a flea market. The dates and times of these events will be decided at our next meeting which is November 2. All of these proceeds go to our scholarship fund for graduating seniors.”
If you would like to serve your community through the Italy Lions Club, call Arval at: 972-483-6750 at home or on his cell phone which is: 972-567-8660.
Thanks for supporting our seniors and giving to the Italy Ministerial Alliance food pantry!