Lions Club Bingo at Trinity Mission
Bingo players — Bingo players discussing strategies on how to win Bingo. (Cindy Sutherland)
Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., it was Bingo night at Trinity Mission. The halls were crowded with residents waiting to get in the dining hall to play Bingo. They were ready to play.
“I love the Bingo, I win every once in a while. We need to to play it everyday,“ expressed Mr. Kelly, one of the residents.Edith Baker said, “I love playing Bingo, it is a form of entertainment for us here at the home. I feel like it is a great way to help us keep our minds active.”
“We have been doing this for over a year now. We come the second Tuesday of every month, we are here for about an hour, hour and a half. We give prizes, snacks, tissue and soaps. We have a real good time, everyone enjoys it. We usually have anywhere from eight to 15 residents playing Bingo,” explained Arval Gowin, president of the Lyons Club.
It was another fun Bingo playin’ night at Trinity Mission.