New Italy Chamber of Commerce dissolved before it began
Chamber of Commerce members — Nick Kinze returning Karen Mathiowetz’s membership fee check. (Cindy Sutherland)
There was a scheduled Chamber of Commerce meeting Monday evening, 8 p.m., at Express Electronics. Some of the concerned citizens of Italy wanted to begin again, to re-establish the Chamber of Commerce for Italy, to help make the community grow.
As of 8:15 p.m. Monday evening only three people showed up for the meeting. They were: Karen Mathiowetz, Nick Kinze and Elmerine Bell.
After some discussion, it was decided that they would dissolve the chamber, check with the state of Texas to find out about the disbursement of the funds and return the checks to the members that paid dues to be a part of the chamber.
“My wife Gayle Johns, organized this drive for the Chamber of Commerce for the city of Italy. We were to have a meeting tonight to elect a board and new officers to reconvene the Italy Chamber of Commerce,” Kinze said. "Only three people showed up.
“So what we have decided to do is to have someone contact the number for the state listed on the Chamber of Commerce currently and ask them what we need to do for the disbursement of the current funds and return everybody’s check. We have them in a bank bag here at Express Electronics, if you give us a call to come up here to get your check, with proper identification we will return your check to you.”
The number for Express Electronics is: 972-483-6640.