Veteran’s Day
How proud it waves — The flag of the United States of America, the symbol of our freedom and the banner of our veterans. (Cindy Sutherland)
Freedom, wonderful freedom. I have never fought in a war. I have never lost a child to war. Yet, I am allowed to live in a land that is free due to great sacrifice of others. I take for granted that I can go home each night to a warm, safe house and sleep in a warm bed. I have no worries of bombs going off where I lay trying to sleep. I don’t worry about trudging through foreign lands and foreign terrain praying I don’t step on a land mine or turn a corner and run into the enemy staring down his gun.
I am allowed to live life to it’s fullest thanks to the veterans of yesteryear and to our soldiers of today fighting to secure my freedom. For this I say, “Thank You.” I can never repay you for your kindness or your loyalty to your country which I reap the benefits of everyday.
So on Veteran’s day, November 11, I will stop for a moment and remember the soldiers of yesterday and lift a prayer for those who are still fighting to keep America free.
To many who have fought for our freedoms Veteran’s Day is a day to remember and look back and reflect on all we have gained and all of whom we have lost.
Karen Mathiowetz of Italy, Texas tells of how her dad felt about Veteran’s Day, “Veteran’s Day was almost a sacred holiday in our home because of my dad. The time he served as a Marine was the most important to him – he was a proud Marine until the day he died. He knew that one day a year what he had done for America counted for something.”
Karen Mathiowetz served in the Air Force, “Veteran’s Day is bittersweet for me. I am proud of my service to the United States and all those that have served so that we can enjoy our freedoms. But on the other hand it is a sad day for me when I think of my friend David Henderson who lost his life in Vietnam. I think of the pilots that I served with that did not come back from Vietnam. I am very thankful for those that have sacrificed so much for me.”
Tom Little of Italy, Texas who served his country in the Merchant Marines said, “I have a lot of pride in my country and am happy to have served my country.”
Veteran’s Day means this to Laura Dobbins of Midlothian, Texas who served in the United States Army, “Veteran’s Day is a day to remember and honor all men and women that sacrificed their lives and survived to tell a story. A story of bravery, accomplishment and pride. A day to thank all ex-military members for fighting for the freedom that we enjoy today. A day where I feel proud of who I am for serving my beautiful country.”
Thank you to those of you who have fought for our freedom and thank you to those who are still fighting for it.