Stafford Elementary honors the Veterans
Honored Veterans — Veterans standing tall and being recognized. (Cindy Sutherland)
The gymnasium at Stafford Elementary at 9:00AM on Tuesday was packed. It was packed with proud veterans, proud parents and proud grandchildren. Everyone was gathered there to honor the men and women that served our country in various branches of the military.
The first graders started this program off with singing, “It’s a Grand Old Flag” with tons of enthusiasm and smiling voices.
Next up was the sixth grade reading their story of “Who is a Veteran.”
The Pre- K sang the “Veteran Song” and ended it by thanking all of the veterans for serving our country and blowing them a kiss.
The second graders went through all of the branches of the military and stated each branch’s motto, military colors, when the branch became active and the code they lived by.
The fourth grade class wrote their own thank you letters and read them aloud to the veterans and the audience.
Next up was the fifth grade class and each student told what Veteran’s day stands for and finished with singing “Over Here, Over There.”
Then Miss Maevers, (Stafford Elementary Principal), asked the veterans in the audience to stand up and be recognized. They received a standing ovation from everyone, with lots of cheering and clapping.
Miss Maevers ended the presentation with a short story about how the Veterans have earned our respect and how the veterans are responsible for the education we have today.
“Students, please, do not ever forget what it means to say the Pledge of Allegiance. We are here today to honor the veterans that gave everything to us. This is a small token compared to what they have given us – our freedoms that don’t come easily.” said Carolyn Maevers
Stafford Elementary did it again, the students now know what Veteran’s Day stands for.