Stafford Elementary Honor Assembly
Mrs. Sprayberry’s Kindergarten Class — They turned in all their homework every single day. (Cindy Sutherland)
Friday, November 21st around 9:00 AM Stafford Elementary had it’s six weeks Honor assembly.
The gymnasium was over flowing with smiling students accepting their hard earned ribbons.
There were ribbons for all A’s, all B’s, all A’s and B’s, along with ribbons for “no tiger paws lost” and all homework turned in everyday.
Proud parents and grandparents could be seen snapping pictures and clapping hands for their children’s accomplishments.
Miss Maever (Stafford Principal) smilingly said, “We enjoy having these six week assemblies so we can celebrate the children’s success and we are very happy to see so many parents and grandparents come to the assemblies because we need them to help their children be a success.”
A job well done Stafford students!