Italy High School has decked the halls
Junior class wins contest — IHS sponsored a decoration contest and the junior class won. Pizza for everyone! (Anne Sutherland)
The trees are trimmed, the stockings are hung and the mistletoe proudly suspends from the ceiling in the hallway. The students of Italy High School have adorned the walls with various decorations and it is wonderful to walk around the school just to enjoy the scenery.
The Holiday Decoration Contest was assigned after Thanksgiving and the deadline was Dec. 5. The Junior Class won. Kelly Strickland and Megan Hopkins led the decorating and together with all their creativity, the students of IHS witnessed Winter Wonderland Way. However, each grade was assigned a theme and they decorated designated hallways in the competition.
7th Grade-Santa’s Workshop Way
8th Grade-Candy Cane Lane
9th Grade-Country Christmas
10th Grade-O Christmas Tree Blvd
11th Grade-Winter Wonderland Way
12th Grade-Gladiator Gold Street
The entire Class of 2010 will receive a pizza party. Also, a mystery prize for the students will be revealed in the spring.
Involved with the decorating was the Gold Guild, a newly formed club at IHS including students who want to help build school spirit. They used donated items. One of the people in charge is Clover Stiles. She said, “This contest created excitement about the holidays and built up anticipation all week long and the teachers were complimentary. I also feel this was a revival in school pride that has been needed for a long time. This is first of many activities to come and we hope this excitement carries over to the festival and parade this weekend.” Stiles also suggests that if anyone would like to donate to the club, she would love to have after-Christmas items. Things on sale are inexpensive and she will gladly accept them for the Gold Guild. “We can use these items next year.” If you would like to contact Mrs. Stiles or Elizabeth Evans, call the school at 972-483-7422 or 972-483-6260.