Stafford Kindergarten brings Christmas cheer to the stage
Kindergarteners Bring Christmas Cheer — Don’t they bring a smile to your face? (Cindy Sutherland)
Thursday evening at 6:30 PM, Santa Claus, many cute little elves, reindeer, and snowmen could be seen and heard singing their hearts out about Christmas.
Some of their songs in their repertoire were: “We Are Going on a Sleigh Ride,” “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” He’ll be Coming Down the Chimney When he Comes,” “Chubby Little Snowman,” “Five Little Reindeer,” and many more.
The cutest little Santa Claus you ever saw, got right up to the microphone and in a very loud voice, said, “Can five little reindeer pull my sled?”, while the rest of the students sang, “Five Little Reindeer.”
The audience were clapping, laughing and enjoying Santa’s role in the show.
The Christmas show ended with the students wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
Another great performance from Stafford students at Christmas.