Bobbie and Sue celebrate Christmas at Trinity Mission
Fun at Trinity Mission — Vivian Brooks and Bobbie singing Christmas songs. (Cindy Sutherland)
Trinity Mission was just “hopping” and a “bobbing” with music and fun Wednesday afternoon. Bobbie and Sue Sparks were entertaining the residents with Christmas songs.
Bobbie and Sue Sparks are originally from New Mexico. They travel to nursing homes all over the state bringing music and fun to the residents.
Wednesday, Bobbie and Sue had a little help from Vivian Brooks who came to sing and to help celebrate Christmas with the residents. Vivian lives in Italy, Texas and comes to Trinity Mission every Tuesday where she presents, “Book Club Review”. The Book Club Review is a bible study which includes a lot of singing. Vivian presents different things to do every week.
“They really sing beautiful, they are just precious,” said Lillian Martin (resident).
Carolyn Powell (activities director) said, “God Bless all you people on this wonderful Christmas season. We hope the love of Christmas will come into your heart and you will have a wonderful and Merry Christmas.”
Thank you Bobbie and Sue for bringing Christmas fun to the Trinity Mission residents.