Stafford Elementary Awards Ceremony
Did All Their Homework — Mrs. Daughtry’s Kindergarten class turned in all their homework for the past six weeks. (Cindy Sutherland)
Friday morning, January 23rd, there were lots of excited parents, teachers and students in the Stafford Elementary gymnasium. All the excitement was caused by all the well deserved awards being handed out to Stafford students.
Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all showed up with smiling faces to see each child receive their awards. The awards were for: Kindergartners who handed in all their homework, for students who made all A’s and B’s, all A’s and for those that did not loose any tiger paws for this past six weeks.
“I am very proud of the students, they are doing their best. It seems to me that at each assembly there are more awards to hand out than the last one. This is due to the teachers and staff that bring out the best in their students. Also I want to thank all the parents for their support of the school and the students,” said a very proud Carolyn Maevers (Principle).
Keep up the good work Stafford Elementary!