Meals on Wheels Volunteer Forum held at Monolithic

Image: Meals on Wheels Co-Ordinators — Shanna Dunn and Lisa Hicks brought lots of information to the Meals on Wheels volunteers along with breakfast.

Meals on Wheels Co-Ordinators — Shanna Dunn and Lisa Hicks brought lots of information to the Meals on Wheels volunteers along with breakfast. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Meals on Wheels Volunteers — Pictured here are: Front Row-Lisa Hicks, Clarice Irvin, Margret Sharwood, Terri Garcia, Shanna Dunn, Jackie Carter, Anne Sutherland. Back Row-Louis Sherwood, Floyd Elfrink, Renee Finley, Ladon Durham, and Kasey Montgomery.

Meals on Wheels Volunteers — Pictured here are: Front Row-Lisa Hicks, Clarice Irvin, Margret Sharwood, Terri Garcia, Shanna Dunn, Jackie Carter, Anne Sutherland. Back Row-Louis Sherwood, Floyd Elfrink, Renee Finley, Ladon Durham, and Kasey Montgomery. (Cindy Sutherland)

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