Something new and blue at IHS
New tennis court — The tennis court has been refurbished with a local donation. (Anne Sutherland)
If you drive by the city park on College Street, you will see something very new. The local tennis courts are being refurbished, which is wonderful for the IHS tennis team.
Brad Blakely Construction out of Athens is handling the project. “We will finish the final painting on Monday and re-hang the nets. The students can be back on the court by Tuesday,” said Eric Holland, foreman of the three years.
Dana Hamby is IHS tennis coach. She said, “When we, meaning the tennis team, heard the tennis courts were going to be fixed, I wish you could have seen some of their eyes! We were in awe with mouths hanging open. Collin Westbrook, who loves to play on the weekend with his dad, was so happy. If you haven’t seen them, drive by or stop by and have a look. They look good and we are all extremely excited and grateful. The ‘08-’09 tennis team appreciates it with great sincerity and can’t wait to step out on the court for the first time.”
The first game for IHS Tennis is Wednesday, March 11 in Corsicana. April 6th and 7th is the District meet. Italy is hosting it at the Mertz Tennis Complex in Corsicana. Start time will be about 9:00 am.