Stafford Elementary Second Graders go to City Hall
Stafford Elementary Second Graders — These students are ready to learn all about our city government. (Cindy Sutherland)
Tuesday, March 3rd, TAKS testing was going on at Stafford Elementary. The teachers of the second graders decided to take their students out of the building to give them a day of fun while the older students took their test.
One of their stops was at City Hall where they were learning about our city government first hand from Mayor Frank Jackson. “We are trying to let our second graders know how our city government works and I am going to introduce them to my team of employees. We will answer questions from them and help them to understand city government,” explained Mayor Jackson.
Their next stop was in Waxahachie where they were going to go to Mosaic Madness and then on to CICI’s Pizza for lunch.
Second grade teacher, Paula Mandrell said, “We decided to treat our kids to a day out to help the older students take their TAKS test. They are so excited and are having a good time.”
Another good day at Stafford Elementary!