Rob and Barbara Mazzola visit Trinity Mission
Barbara and Rob Mazzola — Barbara and Rob singing Amazing Grace. (Cindy Sutherland)
Rob and Barbara Mazzola came to Trinity Mission on Friday around 2:00 PM to entertain the residents of Trinity Mission. This was their first visit but it won’t be their last.
Barbara sang and Rob played his accordion delighting the residents with beautiful, traditional hymns. They performed Amazing Grace, Blessed Redeemer, I came to the Garden Alone, The Old Rugged Cross and many more.
Evelyn Jenkins (resident) said, “They are good. I have never heard them before but they are really good. They sing great and I love the accordion music and the old time hymns they are playing.”
Another resident, Cordell Clanton had this to say, “This is the best entertainment they have had in here. I am glad they are here.”
Carolyn Powell (Activities Director) has done it again, another successful event at Trinity Mission.