Milford ISD participates in 2009’s World’s Largest Concert
Laura Harvey Welcoming Guests — Milford 2nd through 5th grades ready to sing. (Cindy Sutherland)
As you walked into Milford ISD’s gymnasium Thursday evening at 7:00 PM you could just sense the excitement in the air. The second grade through fifth grade music classes were all getting ready to sing in the World’s Largest Concert. The World’s Largest Concert is a sing along concert linking students around the world through music.
“We are doing our first performance ever as part of the national music month in our school. On this date, March 12th, boys and girls in school, music directors and groups across the nation are performing in the World’s Largest Concert. This is promoted to bring out the significance of music education and the need for music programs in our school.
The songs that are being performed tonight are part of the regular program that is being performed in an event that is televised from Washington DC. All the schools all across the nation are performing simultaneously. This has been going on since 1985 and we are happy that we can participate and Milford can be a part of this World’s Largest Concert," explained Mike Trussell (Milford music director).
The program began with the Pledge of Allegience led by Tapley Strange and was followed by the singing of the National Anthem. Next, Ashley Ross read the Governor’s Proclamation and Tapley Strange read the names of the students winning prizes for the music trivia contest.
Then the entertainment began with the second and third graders singing Everybody Say Peace, followed by the fourth and fifth graders singing I’ll Make A Difference and ended with second through fifth grade classes singing An American Song.
After the performance at Milford ISD everyone left with a song in their heart. Good job Milford ISD!