Avalon Elementary Talent Show
Talent Show — Brianna Martinez shows how much talent she’s got. (Shelly Boswell)
Rock On! — Kaden rocks out playing his “air” guitar. (Shelly Boswell)
God Bless America — Mrs. Morrison’s Pre-K3 shows the audience how much they love their country. (Shelly Boswell)
Star And Stripes — Evan and his classmates’ singing wins them a 5th place ribbon! (Shelly Boswell)
Snow White — Mirror mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all? SNOW WHITE! (Shelly Boswell)
Wicked Queen — Riley made such a pretty little wicked stepmother. (Shelly Boswell)
Be Awful Careful! — Bashful (Xander) warns Snow White to be awful careful. (Shelly Boswell)
Prince Charming — Jacob aka, The Handsome Prince, breaks the spell and awakens Snow White. (Shelly Boswell)
Class Clowning — “A Day In The Life Of A 4th Grader,” was a revealing, yet humorous look into the celebrity world of being a 4th Grader at Avalon. (Shelly Boswell)
Your Kidding! — Responding to Mr. Morgan’s question with a punch line was a comical way to view a day in the life of a 4th grader. (Shelly Boswell)
Surfs Up, Dude! — Surfing along Eagle Beach during the Avalon Elementary Talent Show. (Shelly Boswell)
“Aloha,” Avalon — Awaka-waka Wu! Awaka-waka Wee! Grass skirts and surfing dudes were a hard act to follow during the Avalon Elementary Talent Show. (Shelly Boswell)
That Was Close! — 3rd Graders kept their balance while rocking to music during the talent show. (Shelly Boswell)
School House Rock — The dome was rocking during Avalon’s talent show as the 2nd graders did their version of School House Rock. (Shelly Boswell)
Sing Along — I’m so nervous, just keep holding my hand… (Shelly Boswell)
Hey, Macarena! — Talent show participants had all the right moves. (Shelly Boswell)
Cha Cha Slide — Sliding and doing the cha cha for the celebrity panel of judges (Shelly Boswell)
Help please… — Break dancing that defied the laws of gravity. (Shelly Boswell)
A bit to the left… — An exciting new break dance move called the wheel barrel. (Shelly Boswell)
Don’t Try This At Home! — Break dancing should be left to these trained experts. (Shelly Boswell)
Glamorous Judges — The four “guest” judges…don’t they look fabulous?! Yowza! (Shelly Boswell)