We All Scream For Ice Cream
Bubbles for Clay — Clay Major was one of the trivia game winners at the Methodist Ice Cream Social on Monday. (Anne Sutherland)
Chase signs for posterity — The Methodist ladies provided a banner for the Class of 2009 to have at reunions and homecomings. (Anne Sutherland)
Craig says hi — Craig Wright has fun at the ice cream social. (Anne Sutherland)
Eva and Claudia — These ladies won a prize at the Ice Cream Social. (Anne Sutherland )
Line up for ice cream — IHS seniors are invited every year the Methodist Ice Cream Social. (Anne Sutherland)
Want some more? — The seniors were invited to have more ice cream if they wanted. (Anne Sutherland)
Butter plays the game — Darrin Moore plays the trivia game with Jan Parker of the Methodist Church. (Anne Sutherland)
The hosts — First United Methodist ladies and Dr. Smith welcome everyone to the gathering. (Anne Sutherland)
OK, it’s hard — Did you know that when you are born your eyes are already the size they are going to be when you grow up? Did you know your ears and nose keep growing? (Anne Sutherland)
Tigers equal Gladiators — These are some of the students that have attended Stafford Elementary and Italy High School all 14 years. (Anne Sutherland)