We All Scream For Ice Cream
Bubbles for Clay — Clay Major was one of the trivia game winners at the Methodist Ice Cream Social on Monday. (Anne Sutherland)
OK, it’s time for some ice cream! That’s what the IHS seniors said on Monday as they gathered at the First United Methodist Church. This is the first of many parties held for the graduates this week.
The FUMC ladies gathered their ice cream buckets, chocolate syrup and their whipped cream and headed for the fellowship hall at the Methodist church. Their guests included the graduating seniors from IHS and Principal Scott Herald. They played a trivia game and Claudia Rodriguez, Eva DeLaHoya and Clay Major won a prize. The ladies provided a banner to sign for future reunion parties and homecomings. A few of the graduates explained what they had in mind for the future. Trevor Davis plans to attend MCC in Waco and become a rock star. Patrick Walker will attend TSTC in Waco. Roy Glaspy will enroll in Blinn College. Clay Major and Chase Michael are headed for Texas Tech University. Susana Ramos is going to Navarro in the fall. Darrin Moore is talking to a Navy recruiter next week. Tyler Boyd will travel to Denton and attend University of North Texas. Lindsey Brogden is planning on a nursing career and Annalee Lyons wants to become a dental assistant.
Dr. Eric Smith, Pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Italy, welcomed and provided a message to the seniors, “God cares no matter what’s going on in your life. When there is a crisis, you are not alone. God cares in all things you have to face-good and bad. Remember that nothing can separate you from the love of God.”
The schedule for the rest of the week for the seniors are as follows:
- TUESDAY-First Baptist-Senior Luau 6:00pm-8:00pm
- WEDNESDAY-Church of Christ-Senior Lunch-11:00am
Union Baptist Church-Cookout-6:00pm - THURSDAY-Graduation practice 9:00am
Central Baptist-Senior Lunch after graduation practice - FRIDAY-Graduation 8:00pm (be in the cafeteria at 7:15 pm)