A Passion for the Elderly
Clyde Farrell playing harmonica — Clyde not only plays his guitar, but plays the harmonica too. (Cindy Sutherland)
As I walked into Trinity Mission on Tuesday around 2:00 PM my ears were delighted with sounds of old country music being played by none other than Clyde Farrell.
Clyde Farrell has been playing country music for most of his life. Some of the songs he performed for the residents were: Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain, Whiskey Drinking, Western Tale, Old Cowhand and It Was Just Yesterday. Residents of Trinity Mission were swaying to the music and some were even clapping their hands.
Carolyn Powell (activities director) said, “Music is in the air when Clyde Farrell is here. The residents are clapping their hands and stomping their feet and having a good time.”
Farrell was raised by his grandmother and now has a soft spot for the elderly. He travels all over Texas to convalescent centers to entertain the residents and has been doing this for fourteen years. Farrell said, “I travel all over Texas, to Houston, Austin, Gunner, Dallas, just everywhere. I just have an affection for the older folks. I think they need as good of music as they can get. I try to provide the best that I can do. I usually do a concert for them. I think they need that kind of entertainment and for the most part they all enjoy it.”
Clyde has a music fund (Farrell Music Programs) set up for senior citizens. People donate money to the fund and then when some of the convalescent centers don’t have a budget for entertainment Clyde can draw from the donations and help them afford the entertainment. If you would like to make a donation the address is:
Farrell Music Programs
PO Box 242
Mount Calm, TX 76673
Another fun day at Trinity Mission!