The new park equipment is being installed
Cemented Poles — The poles were being cemented in today at the park. (Cindy Sutherland)
On Monday the George E. Scott Memorial Park was a very busy place.
The maintenance crew from the Italy ISD were busy digging 12" holes and Dennis Janek and some of his crew were also busy digging 18" holes preparing for the new playground equipment.
The City of Italy was there getting the park set up with water for the water fountain that will be installed.
Today some of the equipment was on site and poles were being cemented into the ground.
According to Ronda Cockerham (assistant secretary for the City of Italy) the big workday for the park will be on Thursday of this week. There will be approximately forty people from the KABOOM organization with gravel, timbers, and playground equipment which will be put together that day.
Cockerham said, “The community of Italy is going to greatly benefit from the KaBOOM organization’s generosity. The employees are doing all of this work on their days off, and sometimes they even use their own personal equipment.”
KaBoom is a national nonprofit organization that helps communities build playgrounds. They feel very passionately that play has purpose, and that unstructured play in particular helps make children happier, fitter, smarter, more socially adept and creative.
The grand opening of the George E. Scott Memorial Park is scheduled for Monday, July 20th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Mark your calendar, bring your children and come enjoy hotdogs, chips, drinks and of course the new playground equipment.
See you there!